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tv   CBS This Morning  CBS  March 3, 2016 7:00am-9:01am PST

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view of the eastern span of the bay bridge. have a god day. ♪ good morning to your viewers in the west. sit thursday march 3rd, 2016. welcome to ""cbs this morning."" this republican establishment turns up the heat on donald trump ahead of tonight's debate. mitt romney prepares to deliver a scathing speech, calling him a phony and a fraud. a manhunt for mass criminals who stormed a gun store in a violent smash and grab robbery. and is this new transportation hub at the world trade center architectural genius or a boondoggle? we begin this morning with a look at today's "eye opener." your world in 90 seconds. everyone is trying to figure out how can we rally together to stop someone from becoming the
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nominee? >> mitt romney will go after donald trump directly and hard. >> the gop erupts over trump. >> i understand why they are doing it. they want to destroy this guy. >> the establishment is acting insane because they can't control trump. >> that's exactly my point, bill. >> he's the guy that is shaking it up. >> sanders vowing to fight on even as his rival is setting her sights on donald trump. >> all of the major polls have me beating donald trump. debris washed up in mozambique linked from the malaysia airlines. >> aubrey mcclendon was killed in a fiery crash after big rig charges. >> a day of a federal indictment on big rigging charges. thieves storming a star getting away with 50 weapons >> scott kelly is back home in texas after nearly a year on the space station. >> leaving the space station was bittersweet.
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>> a gunman tries to rob a georgia convenience store. >> all that. >> in times square, a police horse goes wild, bucking the officer and then taking off. >> it was weird. i was like where is the officer? >> i have people work for me. they do all of that stuff. >> that's when you know you're a big shot when you don't have to go to the mailbox. >> jimmy, i'm a movie star. >> and thaul all that matters -- >> dr. ben carson issuing a statement saying he doesn't see a path forward. >> the good news, he says i'm ready to operate on your baby brain again. >> "cbs this morning." >> super primary races yesterday >> the seven states that donald trump won were shock, denial, anger, guilt, bargaining, depression, and alabama. this morgs of "cbs this morning" is brought to you by toyota. let's go places.
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♪ welcome to "cbs this morning." gayle king is off, soledad o'brien is with us. as you wake up in the west, former republican presidential nominee mitt romney is about to launch a vicious attack on donald trump. "cbs this morning" has obtained excerpt from a speech romney will deliver in a few hours. romney plans to say, quote, a person so untrustworthy and dishonest as hillary clinton must not become president. but a trump nomination enables her victory. >> the speech also calls trump, quote, a phony, a fraud whose promises are as worthless as a degree from trump university. and romney says he is playing the american public for suckers. he gets a free ride to the white house and all we get is a lousy hat. dean reynolds is at the university of utah in salt lake city where romney is scheduled to speak. >> reporter: good morning.
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mitt romney isn't endorsing anyone and he is not announcing another run for the white house, but he is harshly attacking donald trump who, in turn, is calling it a desperate act. in his speech today, former presidential candidate mitt romney will call donald trump a phony and a fraud. >> mitt is tough. he's smart. he's sharp. >> reporter: it's a big difference from four years ago when romney was delighted to win the backing of trump. >> there are some things that you just can't imagine happening in your life. this is one of them. >> reporter: but now a great gulf separates the two men who represent the defeated past and the uncertain future of the gop. >> this has been an amazing evening. >> reporter: romney's associates say he has watched trump's assent with alarm and feels the need to shake sense into some voters who are considering the real estate mogul. >> he will have strong words for donald trump. >> reporter: katie packard runs trump pac after serving as romney's campaign manager. >> i think what he wants to do is be the adult in the room and
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sort of say, enough. >> reporter: today's speech comes amid open panic in the party establishment and won't mince words. one example, donald trump says he admires vladimir putin while he has called george w. bush a liar. that is a twisted example of evil trumping good. so far, none of romney's attacks has worked, including a call to release trump's tax returns. >> going to be a much bigger party and i think we are going to win in november. >> reporter: trump has soared in the polls and definitely soured on romney. >> this guy, what a terrible -- i endorsed him and about two weeks later, i said he is never going to win. >> reporter: now for good measure, donald trump tweeted this morning, i am the only one who can beat hillary clinton. i am not a mitt romney who doesn't know how to win. >> dean, thank you. the gop front-runner will face three rivals in a prime time debate tonight. ben carson's campaign is over. he said on wednesday i do not
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see a political path forward. the retired neurosurgeon finished no better than fourth in all of the super tuesday primaries and caucuses. major garrett is outside the fox theater in detroit, the site of tonight's debate. major, good morning. >> reporter: good morning. donald trump's republican opponents are ramping up efforts to slow and possibly stop his pursuit of the nomination. marco rubio and ted cruz are expected to pound trump a second time at tonight's prime time debate. >> donald trump has never shown a commitment to the constitution. i have. >> reporter: in michigan, marco rubio touched on unprecedented angst over the donald trump juggernaut. >> usually when you're the front-runner people say get out of the race so we can unify around the front runner. what people are saying now is, please, everyone get together to keep the front-runner from winning and destroying the republican party. >> we are going to make america great again, folks. >> reporter: after watching trump win seven states they put
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the metal to the anti-trump pedal. >> who has trump ever taken on? >> at trump university -- >> reporter: as another multimillion dollar anti-trump super pac that hammered him at fraud at his defunct trump university. on capitol hill, the trump factor left republican senators at odds. >> i don't know what it is about it, but i can't seem to find anyone who supported him and yet here he is. >> people are not happy with status quo. this man is strong. he is decisive. >> reporter: perhaps signaling a shift toward the presumptive nominee. trump began to burnish his image on policy with new details on health care reform. far more specific than his one-note performance at the last gop debate. >> you have to have personality. >> trump took to facebook with videos extolling the benefits of bipartisan. >> when you're dealing with congress we have to get them in a room and we have to say fellas, let's go. it's for the good of the people. >> reporter: 15 states have voted so far and amid record gop turnout, trump won a third of
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all votes cast and more than his rivals. >> if we are going to beat donald trump the field can't remain fractured. donald has, i believe, a hard ceiling of 35% to 40% that he can't get above. >> reporter: members of the republican national security community many with ties to the george w. bush administration released a letter yesterday criticizing trump's lack of foreign policy experience. declaring he would make america less safe and if he becomes the nominee, they will not support him. >> ahead, we will talk with one of the former officials who signed that letter. hillary clinton held a star-studded fund-raiser last night in new york city. clinton is now turning her attention to november as bernie sanders tries to catch up. nancy cordes is with us in studio 57 covering the democratic race. >> reporter: hillary clinton is leading in four big states that are voting later this month -- louisiana, michigan, ohio, and florida. and as the clinton campaign
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helpfully pointed out yesterday, she is leading sanders by a larger margin in the delegate count than president obama ever had over her in 2008. ♪ it's a little bit funny >> reporter: at radio music city hall last night, hillary clinton mixed business with pleasure. >> we have a sold-out crowd. >> reporter: raising tens of thousands from supporters. ♪ you're going to hear me roar ♪ >> reporter: and paid to hear katy perry and elton john. >> this is a very important year for america and she is the only hope you have. >> reporter: there are still 35 primaries and caucuses to go. but as clinton pulls ahead in the delegate count, she and her backers are focused increasingly on the general election. >> labor will always have a seat at the table when i'm in the white house. >> reporter: at a union rally in manhattan, andrew cuomo mocked
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trump's plan for the mexican border. in michigan, the gop front-runner was on bernie sanders' mind too. >> all of the major polls that have come out have me beating donald trump. >> reporter: sanders won four states on super tuesday and his aides say he has a shot at winning four more over the next few weeks. clinton aides argue that is not enough. in a memo, her campaign manager said that in order to catch up, senator sanders doesn't just have to start winning a few states, but he needs to start winning everywhere and by large margins. sanders was singing a different tune. >> colorado, we took on the establishment there. we won by 19 points. >> reporter: "the washington post" reported that the justice department has granted immunity to the former state department staffer who worked on clinton's
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private e-mail server when she was secretary of state. a sign that this investigation may be moving forward. >> nancy, thank you so much. a piece of debris that could belong to the missing malaysian jetliner is on its way to experts in australia. the chunk could help explain what happened to flight 370 when it vanished two years ago with 239 people on board. the debris was found off africa more than a thousand miles from the only confirmed piece of the boeing 777. kris van cleave is in washington with the possible clue. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. mh-370 is the only missing 777. the piece found over the weekend likely came from this section of the aircraft and is now on its way to investigators. sources say investigators are fairly confident the roughly three-foot long piece of metal shown in these pictures came from the missing mh-370. the airplane part with the words no step came off the coast of
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mozambique over the weekend. blaine alan gibson, one of the men who found it, spoke to cnn. >> i just knew when i saw it that it possibly could be and that it was important to get it into the hands of the local authorities. >> reporter: u.s. investigators have analyzed the pictures and believe they show a portion of the horizontal stabilizer, a wing-like part of the tail section from a boeing 777. australia is leading the deep-water search and recovery operation spanning a 46,000 square mile area in the indian ocean, but only one piece of mh-370 has been found, a section of wing known as a flapper washed up on reunion island in july. >> it's too early to speak on the original of the debris at this stage. >> reporter: they tweeted about it could belong to mh-370, and just days from the anniversary of its disappearance the latest clue is a reminder that one of the world's greatest aviation mysteries remains unsolved. >> i don't think we are any
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closer and perhaps even more confused than when this thing actually went down almost two years ago. >> reporter: multiple reports say gibson, the man who found this piece, is a wealthy traveler who has been searching for the aircraft, focusing on the indian ocean. he chartered a boat last weekend and found that piece of debris before turning it over to investigators. norah? >> thank you, kris. three suspects in a brazen gun store robbery in texas are under arrest. surveillance video captured the elaborate break-in at the houston store. the raid lasted about two minutes. mark strassmann is at the crime scene as police hunt several other suspects. >> reporter: good morning. the front doors have been replaced but the crime scene tape is still up, because this is where the thieves bashed their way into the gun store and stole dozens of weapons on tuesday morning. nothing subtle about this one. it's 4:30 in the morning and a group of thieves use a black
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pickup truck to rip off the doors and then scatter inside wearing hoodies and masks and gloves, grabbing as many guns as rifles as they could carry. it looks like they had something of a plan. you can see one suspect using a hammer to smash through the glass cases holding guns while others follow behind him and stuff them into bags. another suspect seems to target the long guns right off that rack behind the counter. they took at least 50 weapons and in a little more than two minutes, they were gone. investigators say the group switched vehicles about a block away and took off into the darkness. this was such a rush job, police found weapons left behind lying on the street outside the store. law enforcement officials say stolen weapons like these are often sold on the black market. criminals buying and selling guns to other criminals. >> you got another criminal element that needs firearms to commit their crimes, sometimes associated with the drug trade or robberies. >> reporter: investigators say
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there's another disturbing issue -- gun store smash and grabs are becoming more common. >> we are seeing an uptick, not only here in the houston, harris county area, but we're seeing an uptick across the country. >> reporter: suspects will face federal gun charges. investigators have recovered some of the stolen weapons and hope to get their hands on the rest before they can be used in other crimes. >> mark, thanks. police in oklahoma are investigating the death of a legendary energy titan. aubrey mcclendon died yesterday in a fiery car crash one day after being indicted. he made a fortune as a fracking pioneer but his business is under legal scrutiny. anthony mason is here with questions about his death. anthony, good morning. >> reporter: on tuesday, the u.s. government charged oil tycoon aubrey mcclendon for conspiracy for aadministrationing to limit competition. one day later, he died behind the wheel of his suv.
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the timing and circumstances have left some wondering if the crash might not have been an accident. just after 9:00 a.m. on wednesday, aubrey mcclendon's chevy tahoe crashed into the wall of an oklahoma city highway embankment and burst into flames. he had been traveling more than 50 miles an hour. >> he pretty much drove straight into the wall. there was plenty of opportunity for him to correct or get back on the roadway and that didn't occur. >> reporter: the accident occurred one day after the former ceo of chesapeake energy was indicted by the department of justice, charged with conspiring to rig bids for the purchase of oil and natural gas leases in northwest oklahoma. in a statement issued after the indictment, mcclendon denied any wrongdoing saying, i am proud of my track record in this industry, and i will fight to prove my innocence and to clear my name. under mcclendon's leadership, chesapeake energy made billions of dollars and transformed the energy business by pioneering hydraulic fracturing or
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fracking. the controversial process of removing natural gas from rocks. he described it as a gold mine in an interview with lesley stahl on "60 minutes" in 2010. >> in the last two years we have discovered the equivalent of two saudi arabias of oil in the form of natural gas in the united states. not one, but two. >> reporter: the energy titan made his first billion during the energy boom. and became a part-owner of his hometown nba team, the oklahoma city thunder. but he was also dubbed america's most reckless billionaire by "forbes" magazine in 2011 for his lavish spending and aggressive risk-taking. just two years later, after falling energy prices sent his company's stock plummeting, he was forced out as ceo of chesapeake. police say it could take up to two weeks to complete their investigation. >> but, at this point in time it looks pretty cut and dry as far as what exactly happened. >> reporter: mcclendon had been
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expected to turn himself in and appear before a judge at the oklahoma city federal courthouse yesterday. if convicted, he faced up to ten years in prison and a million dollar fine. soledad? >> anthony, thank you. astronaut scott kelly arrived back in the united states overnight after his record setting 340 days in space. his twin brother mark was among those who welcomed him home in houston. the vice president's wife jill biden was also there. she brought him beer and apple pie. scott kelly spoke about the future of space exploration. >> this mission is the latest achievement in our country's space program. but it's not the last. there will be more. it's in our dna of our country to explore and we must never stop. >> scientists will study the impact of the mission on kelly's body. the lack of gravity reportedly caused him to grow two inches. >> well that's fascinating. >> pressure on the spine. >> just an incredible
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achievement. >> amazing. >> you realize how much he missed beer and apple pie. >> interesting combo. fast food chains are responding to concerns about the way antibiotics in livestock can create super bugs. ahead how restaurants announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by windows 10. upgrade today! do great things!
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announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by toyota. let's go places! p. four bandits chose a prius as their getaway car.
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the erin andrews trial is disrupted after a witness admits he watched the stalker's video. ahead, rikki klieman will weigh in on the case. tomorrow, the professional ballroom dancer who lost part of her leg in the boston marathon bombing and how she i
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expected to enter a plea to esmid pedraza is good morning. it's 7:26. i'm frank mallicoat. here's what's happening. the man accused of killing a san jose woman is expected to enter a plea today. esmid pedraza is accused of shooting his girlfriend stacey aguilar last month. two people in the hospital both in critical condition after crashing their car into a building in walnut creek. police say they were pursuing the driver who was speeding when drove off the highway 24- 680 interchange. coming up later on "cbs this morning," beauty and the beast. will donald trump keep his cool when megyn kelly moderate's tonight's gop debate is it we'll look back at their feud. traffic and weather coming up right after the break. ,,,,,,,,
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good morning. i'm sandra osborne in the traffic center. we are watching slow conditions all around the bay area. right now in the south bay there you can see some of those drive times down know 19 miles per hour. 27 miles per hour on 101 northbound this morning. here's a look at some of the drive times, 280 from 680 to 85 right now about 28 minutes. some slow-and-go conditions at the toll gate plaza on the bay bridge this morning. right now, about 43 minutes to get from the carquinez bridge to the maze so give yourself a few extra minutes. roberta? >> good morning, everyone. our live hi-def doppler radar not picking up a lot of precipitation as of right now but take a look at this. some very light rain showers across the golden gate bridge and that's going to be the case today a stray shower not amounting to a lot. temperatures in the 50s approaching 60 so muggy as you head out the door. 60s today up to about 70 degrees at best. south wind at 15 miles per hour. tomorrow the same as tomorrow,
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heavier rainfall tomorrow night. ,,,,,,,,
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this might be the strangest thing i saw last night. your usual trump speech, but look at chris christie's face. >> they are going to put 20 or 25 million in at the time next two weeks from what just came over the wires. >> what is going on there? he looks like a time traveler who is trying to play it cool until he figures out what year it is! >> i haven't seen a person on television look that uncomfortable, standing next to someone since this. >> george bush doesn't care about black people! >> it almost makes you feel bad for chris christie, doesn't it? i mean, he is clearly standing beside someone he loathes with every fiber of his being. maybe he is just fascinated with that blow-hard's ridiculous hair!
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ha, ha. >> very well done. that was sort of ripe for the comics. welcome back to "cbs this morning." this half hour, donald trump tonight will come face-to-face again with fox news moderator megyn kelly at the republican debate. ahead her strategy tonight as we watch for a potential showdown. >> viewing the nude video of erin andrews with his friends in public. rikki klieman is in the green room and look at whether this helps or hurts the sportscaster's 75 million lawsuit. that is ahead. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. "the washington post" reports on north korea today firainst nort korea. those sanctions are punishment for a recent nuclear test and long-range rocket launch. dallas morning news reports on sharp disagreements among the supreme court justices in a
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landmark abortion case. they heard arguments yesterday about a texas law that would toughen standards at clinics. supporters say it would protect women's health. critics say the legislation would force many faelvets to close. it is the court's first major case since the death of antonin scalia. "usa today" reports that drug kingping guzman has changed his mind and wants to be extradited to the u.s. as soon as possible. el chapo was arrested in january. one of his lawyers says his mexican prison guards won't let him sleep. they say guzman would trade a guilty plea for a short sentence and medium-secure pretty much and experts say the deal is unlikely. donald trump will be face-to-face with kelly for the first time since their debate confrontation last august. julianna goldman is in washington with where a tamer candidate may take the stage.
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>> reporter: good morning. well, donald trump's participation in fox news debate is a big depart tour from january to which he was a no-show. in an interview with the associated press, megyn kelly says she doesn't expect trump to be combative and his focus has likely shifted from her to securing the nomination. >> you've called women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs. and disgusting animals. your twitter -- >> only rosie o'donnell. >> no, it wasn't. >> reporter: fox's first republican debate. >> honest, megyn, if you don't like it, i'm sorry. >> reporter: sparred a feud between donald trump and fox news anchor megyn kelly. us.
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we weren't upset with him. i mean, it was -- again, we just wanted to forge forward. >> reporter: in january, things escalated when kelly told "vanity fair" before trump was running for president, he would call from time to time to compliment a segment. kelly added, but i can't be wooed. trump's response to the article? a tweet that said, she is so average in every way, who the hell wants to woo her? >> let's address the elephant not in the room tonight. ♪ >> reporter: and just two days before fox's iowa debate, the mogul -- >> when you're treated badly, you have to stick up for your rights. >> reporter: he later admitted that not being on stage may have hurt him at the polls. >> everyone on this stage is stupid, fat, and ugly.
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and, ben, you're a terrible surgeon. now that we have gotten the donald trump portion out of the way. >> i think the stakes are very different for donald trump now versus last august in that first fox news debate. >> reporter: marisa guthrie isn't expecting a kelly/trump rematch. >> he needs to appear presidential. he has been running on his persona.e last debate and i just moved them right over to this debate! so that is my plan. >> reporter: kelly also told the a.p. that perhaps trump mistakenly fault that fox and she by default would go ease on him in the first debate ator for 75 million dollars.
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her secret stalker is already named in the suit. he secretly intermediate her nude inside her room and put the video online. >> the corporation who owns the hotel, the owner admitted he watched the video in public this week. neal pesco said the following. rikki klieman is with us. good morning. >> good morning. >> this was a big shocker yesterday. what is the complication he watched the video? >> there is no implication in terms of the jury because the jair didn't hear about it. however the court of public opinion heard about it and erin andrews heard about it, so to erin and to the public it continues to show her damages continue to continue.
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i wonder if somebody that foolish could be in a restaurant where other people have cell phones and that they would do something like that? but people do all kinds of things like that. >> does it help prove andrews point the video keeps following her and causing her damage? >> only in the court of public opinion, unless, at some point the judge has the witness recalled in front of the jury. the jury distant know this. >> they say she has benefited financially the defense put up yesterday. >> she has made more and more money. on the other hand, emotionally, traumatically, according to her witnesses, her and her father, she has been dramatically damaged for the rest of her life. now the defense has put on a psychological witness who said she's very resilient, she really is doing okay, she's had
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post-traumatic stress disorder but it's just the mild kind. so maybe she hasn't been so damaged. >> how will a jury measure this? >> well, that is really the problem, isn't it? because there is no way to put dollars and cents. this complainant was originally draft as a 10 million dollar complainant. it is now a 75 million dollar complaint. that is a mighty leap. ordinarily, this should take place in the settlement room. why this case was not settled, i think, is a mystery to all of. certainly, there is an insurance policy that the hotel operators, owners and managers have. certainly, she had a number in mind. so was the hotel managers entity and the hotel itself saying, no, we are not going to give her the money? or was the insurance company saying we will take our chance, let her go forward and the money will be reduced, or did she just
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want to make a point and say i'm going in that public courtroom with a camera in court and, as a result, i am going to get some serious money here or even if i don't, that what i have done is i've shown the world this has to stop. >> i've told my story. >> yes. >> rikki klieman, thank you. fast food restaurants are joining the fight against super bugs. ahead, whether you'll pay more for food that could be safer for you. if you're heading out the door, you can watch us live through the cbs all-access app on your digital device. you don't want to miss our look at what critics are calling a boondoggle. the new transportation hub at the world trade center. we will be right back. ♪
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subway is the latest fast food chain to change its menus to make food safer. customers can now order sandwiches made with chicken raised without antibiotics. the switch is prompted by warnings out antibiotics used in
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livestock can affect people. dana jacobson shows us why consumer advocates are praising the move. >> reporter: good morning. subway's antibiotic-free chicken is the first step what the fast food giant says will eventually lead the restaurant to serve only antibiotic free meat. other changes are vowing to take similar steps includes wendy's and mcdonald's and most recently, in-n-out. >> reporter: on tuesday, subway began selling sandwiches made with chicken raised without antibiotics. by 2025 the chain says all of the meat across hits 30,000 north america restaurants will be antibiotic-free. jan welcomes the change. >> this is a problem that has been brewing for decades and is getting seriously worse. >> reporter: is there any danger
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to consumers from meat that doesn't have antibiotics in it? >> absolutely none. >> reporter: the danger isn't the antibiotics themselves but rather the super bugs that resolve to resist the antibiotics being used by large factory farms. the drug-resistant germs then enter the food supply. according to the cdc, 23,000 people die from super bugs every year. >> we are at the beginning of potential catastrophe. even a simple cut could become infected and have a deadly staph infection. >> reporter: in september, she worked on a report greating 25 fat food chains with antibiotics in their meat. only the following received passing grades. last week, in-n-out burger said it's looking to phase out antibiotics from its meat supply but didn't have a time line. wendy's is offering
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antibiotic-free meat in four test markets. "wall street journal" reporter jake bunge says the restaurants may eventually force their hand. >> they will turn to their chicken suppliers, to their pork suppliers and say we need you to give us meat that has been raised without antibiotics. >> the price of these meals probably will not go up much, if at all. they seem to be making changes without having price increases to the consumer. >> reporter: the cdc says 1 in 5 drug-resistants infections are caused by germs from food or animals. it's not just restaurants that are switching over. meat companies are getting into the act as well. purdue says more than half of the chicken it sells are raised without antibiotics. >> that is going to transform the food industry. >> it has sort of already. they are talking about the human antibiotics, perdue says 95% of the chickens it raises does not get adviser
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tells us why she has signed a letter calling trump fundamentally dishonest. a wild ride announcer: thi announcer: this port th
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♪ ♪ snets . a police horse turned new york times square in a scene from the western. the black stallion was on patrol when he heard a loud noise and spooked him. the horse threw the officer off his back and started running wild. the horse damaged three cars and the horse returned to the garage where the mounted unit takes
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breaks. poor horse, named gunny. it's noisy in the city. >> what is amazing is how animals find their way back homes. >> from run-away horse to run-away spending at the world trade center. ahead the major rebuilding project opening today under fire for being $2 billion over budget. you're watching "cbs this morning." ♪ i know i've been a real bad girl ♪ ♪ i didn't mean for you to get hurt ♪ announcement: this storm promises to be the biggest of the decade. with total accumulation of up to three feet.
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santa clara county jail guas will face trial... for the h of good morning. it's 7:56. i'm michelle griego. today a judge could decide whether three santa clara county jail guards will face trial for the death of inmate michael tyree. the defendants are accused of beating the mentally ill man to death. utah lawmakers have approved $53 million in tax revenue to get tons of coal moving through oakland and eventually burned abroad. several environmental groups oppose coal export project. coming up on "cbs this morning," what to expect from tonight's gop debate with just four candidates at the podium. stay with us. traffic and weather in just a moment. ,,,,,,,,
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good morning. i'm sandra osborne in the "kcbs
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traffic" center. we are keeping an eye on several incidents this morning. the first one that we're taking a look at here is northbound 880. this is just after highway 92. traffic is slow at whipple road once the left lane there is blocked. another one we want to let you know about the waldo tunnel, we see southbound 101 before vista point from the marin side. one lane is blocked. up to eight vehicles involved. a few slowdowns there but nothing major exactly there to report. here's a live look at the bay bridge where right now we are seeing some heavy delays currently 52 minutes from the carquinez bridge to the maze. roberta. good morning, everyone. our live hi-def doppler radar not picking up a lot of precipitation but let's show you this right now. it is our live weather camera looking out towards the golden gate bridge. so obviously that morning commute is definitely slippery and wet. today just a few scattered showers temperatures in the 60s feeling very muggy with that southerly breeze to 15. rain through tuesday. ,,,,,,,,
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♪ good morning to our viewers in the west. it's thursday, march 3rd, 2016. welcome back to "cbs this morning." more real news ahead, including 60 republican national security experts denouncing donald trump, former homeland security adviser fran townsend is one of them. she reveals why those officials are speaking out now. first here's today's "eye opener @ 8." >> romney isn't endorsing anyone but he is attacking donald trump, who is calling it a desperate act. >> donald trump's republican opponents are ramping up efforts to slow and possibly stop his pursuit of the nomination. >> hillary clinton is leading in four big states that are voting later this month, louisiana, michigan, ohio, and florida.
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>> mh-307 0 is the only missing 777. the piece likely came from this portion of the aircraft. >> the crime scene tape is still up because this is the spot where the thieves bashed their way into the gun store and stole dozens of weapons. ordinarily this should take place in the settlement room. why this case was not settled is a mystery to all of us. >> is there any danger to consumers from meat that doesn't have antibiotics in it? >> absolutely none. >> it's going to transform the food industry. >> and it has sort of already. >> astronaut scott kelly arrived back in the united states overnight after his record-setting 340 days in space. >> nasa provided footage of the landing. it really is amazing that human beings are able to do this. >> scott kelly back on mother earth. >> we're going to make america great again, folks. >> and, scott kelly has decided to go back to space. we have liftoff. i'm charlie rose with norah
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o'donnell and soledad o'brien. gayle is off. four republican candidates will gather tonight for a prime-time debate. it is their first meeting since donald trump dominated super tuesday. trump has more than one quarter of the delegates to win the nomination. but republican leaders are not uniting behind the party's clear front-runner. many are trying harder than ever to stop him. >> trump says gop leaders should see that he's bringing in millions of voters. in a facebook video, trump says he can bring people together. >> in making deals, even if it's big deals with congress or maybe other countries, it really takes a certain amount of common sense, you have to have personality, you have to size up the other side. some people are going to be different. when you're dealing with russia, it may be different than dealing with chiepa. you have different personalities. you have to be able to size them up. you want to make great deals for our country. you have to get people together. >> marco rubio insists trump is destroying the republican party. leading to defeat in november.
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miami herald endorsed the florida senator this morning. it called rubio, quote, the best choice to unite a fractured gop. this week's "time" magazine cover calls trump a, quote, bully, showman, party crasher, demagogue, and possibly the 45th president of the united states. >> 2012 republican nominee mitt romney plans to say today that trump doesn't have the temperament, nor the judgment, to be president. cbs this morning morning has obtained excerpts from a fiery speech romney plans to make later today in utah. he says donald trump is a phony, a fraud. his promises are as worthless as the degree from trump university. he's playing the american public for suckers. he gets a free ride to the white house and all we get is a lousy hat. trump hit back this morning on twitter, writing, quote why did mitt romney beg me for my endorsement four years ago? >> the cracks in the republican party go beyond politicians. 60 gop national security experts signed a scathing open letter
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opposing trump. the letter calls trump's vision of american power and influence, quote, wildly inconsistent, and unmoored in principle. he swings from isolationism to military adventurism within the space of one sentence. one of the experts who wrote the letter is fran townsend, former homeland security adviser to president george w. bush. she joins us now. good morning. >> good morning, charlie. >> so why are you writing this now? why didn't you write this six months ago? or a year ago? when donald trump first began this campaign? >> you know, charlie, i can't speak for the other signatories on the letter. i will say for myself, i mean, i think like most people, you wanted the political process to play out some. and, frankly, you know, having taught my sons to be polite, and to listen to the views of others, i didn't expect the sort of the rhetoric of donald trump would resonate with so many people. look, i understand people's anger and frustration. my children don't feel like they
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have the same opportunity to better themselves that i did when i was growing up. so there is a very real sense of frustration. but it doesn't justify some of the sort of incendiary rhetoric that trump engages in, and frankly, the bullying. >> the bottom line is that you say you cannot support him for president because he would be dangerous in the white house. >> that's right. i mean, look, you can't -- we have arab allies in the middle east, we disagree with them often on many topics. but we need them in the war on terror against enemies like isis and al qaeda in the arabian peninsula. so when you say things like you're going to exclude all muslims from the united states, we alienate the very people we need to partner with to win the war on terror and to protect the citizens of the united states. >> donald trump said that months ago. he said it, and he was asked about it on a debate stand. there have been a number of debates. none of the other republican candidates have been able to convince those voting that that's dangerous. what difference is a letter going to make?
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>> well, look, it may not make any difference. but you know, i really do think that people with the background and expertise who've actually, you know, donald trump hasn't ever had the experience in terms of having to get something done in terms of foreign policy. the people who signed this letter have, and they do understand what it takes. this is not a real estate deal. and so i do think that his rhetoric, and this wild sort of pillar to post sort of foreign policy of his is dangerous to the american people. >> okay, fran, specifically, he says the enemy is cutting off the heads of christians and drowning them in cages and yet we are too politically correct to respond in kind. donald trump says torture works. >> well, look, i -- if he is suggesting that we ought to be beheading people, i don't think there's anybody, republican or democrat, who would support such a thing. i mean, it's just ludicrous to me. and i don't under -- this i do not understand. i don't understand -- and i don't believe that the american people would support a policy of
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beheading because that's what our enemies are doing. >> fran, there is a theory that would go, listen, he's saying things that will sort of get him nominated. get him elected -- voted in by the public. and that he doesn't necessarily mean these things and he could back off of them. does that give any credence to that theory? >> you know, soledad, i'm a great believer that the presidents go through a maturing process, and the primary to get the nomination is a hyperpolitical one. but what you want to hear are real ideas. i understand that this is the political season. so do our allies around the world. but, you're also expect that there's going to be an exchange of ideas and debate on the substance, as opposed to what's happened, which is name calling, and it's just not helpful. >> you're suggesting it goes beyond the pale in contrast to everybody else who's ever run for president? >> that's right, charlie. and i do think that there's a judgment and temperament issue here. and, donald trump at least up to now, to soledad's point, up to now, he has sort of shown himself not to have the judgment
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and temperament. can that change? perhaps. i hope it does. but we haven't seen any evidence of that yet. >> thanks, fran. >> thank you. >> thank you. "the new york times" is making news for a story it hasn't published. ahead the paper's executive editor will be here to answer the controversy over its private conversation with donald trump. are there limits to
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the real estate industry the real estate industry is preparing to swing into high gear this spring. jill schlesinger is in our toyota green room with what you need to know if you're thinking about selling your house. that's next on "cbs this morning." house. that's next on cbs this morning. know how you earn the title ... world's best mom? by starting each day with a perfectly balanced mug of... i've got this. mom!
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♪ we're heading this morning into the busy season for home sales. in january, about a third of the homes on the market sold in less than a month. the median price rose more than 8% year over year because of low inventory and high demand. but that doesn't mean you can relax if you're looking to sell. cbs news business analyst jill
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schlesinger is here this morning with "eye on the money." >> great to be here. >> how was last year? and how is this year looking if you're thinking about selling your home? >> last couple of years we've seen good recovery. this pretty much tracks with the recovery in the jobs market. people feel more confident. an we also know that lending standards are a little bit easi easier. it's still tough to get a mortgage but it is easier. and people have more confidence in buying a home when they feel more secure economically. >> so lots of good news. >> that said, there is a bit of a problem right now is which we've got low inventory. just not a lot of houses on the market. and that pushes prices up. great if you're a seller. not so good if you're a buyer. >> okay. so when you hear that maybe i should sell my house but you say first thing to think about though are the tax implications. >> right. a lot of people may have owned their homes for decades and they go and sell their homes and they don't realize, uh-oh i have a big capital gains tax due. not everybody, you're lucky if you do, obviously, but check that out. i also want to be very clear, a lot of people are thinking about downsizing, right?
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>> but if you have a capital gain and you invest it in another house you don't have to pay taxes on that. >> well, actually not. you have to pay your capital gains if you've lived in that house two of the last five years. so you can't push it forward unless it's a rental property. so you do have to pay that capital gains tax. but the most important thing also to recognize is that you're looking to downsize, you've got that capital gains, you may not actually see any real savings by downsizing. i think a lot of people fall into a trap i want to go to a place with nice amenities, but actually, it's not so cheap to do so. >> how do you choose a real estate agent? >> you've got to get a lot of people in the house. and here's very important. most people get a referral. oh, it's a friend. right? you know, you want to get at least three people to come in. they're going to do a competitive market analysis. what do you want to know? you want to know does this person have experience in your neighborhood in your price range? does this person have a digital plan for helping to sell your house and marketing plan? and what kind of social media presence does this person have? because you know what? you want to attract first time home buyers.
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a lot of them are looking at social as a way to look at a home. so careful in that. i like using realtors. i think it's smart. i just think you have to be very careful about choosing the right one for you. >> how do you know what to price your home at? >> you're going to rely on the realtor. but if you want to do a little intelligent work beforehand you go online and you look at the competitive market, and see what else is out there in your neighborhood. now you don't want to fool yourself. okay? this is so important. because how you price this house may actually be to the success of selling. realtors tell me that if the price is too high, you spook investors, and you spook those would-be buyers, and they get very anxious, they don't come back. if you have not sold that house, or gotten a bite in, say, three to four weeks, you may want to consider dropping the price. >> or switching agents? >> i don't know about switching agents. i want to be clear, i think a lot of people hire realtors but then they don't take their advice. they let their own emotions get in the way.
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what you think is charming your realtor might say that's not charming, that's a dump. so listen to that person. be careful. and price accordingly. >> thanks, jill. >> thank you. new york's newest landmark is facing criticism before it even opens. michelle miller is at the world trade center. >> this mighty transportation hub is also creating massive controversy. coming up on "cbs this morning," why some critics call this 9/11 monument a symbol of excess. >> this morning's "eye on money" sponsored by quicken loans. ymbol. announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by quicken loans. jane likes to mix things up. that's why she loves new light & fit greek non-fat yogurt mousse. so fluffy and airy it's her new 80 calorie obsession. light & fit feel free to enjoy.
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♪ "cbs this morning" became the first television program to broadcast live from the top of one world trade center back in may. it was fun, wasn't it, charlie? >> great day. >> now take a look down below and just hours, the next big step in moving the halllowed ground forward is designed to get commuters moving. the new transportation hub is already facing some backlash. one former official in charge of the project calls it a symbol of success. a "the new york times" critic describes it as a boondoggle. michelle miller is there and outside this massive structure that is just across from the 9/11 memorial in lower manhattan. what say you, michelle? good morning. >> reporter: good morning. 15 years ago, the area i'm standing in was just an empty pit. and in the years since the 9/11
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attacks have been a painful and slow rebuilding process. the latest structure to go up, that train station behind me has been both a feat in engineering and a lesson in expectations. it's called oculus. 15,000 tons of steel reaching more than 25 stories tall. famed architect santiago designed it to design a bird rising and it will hub seven railway lines and official estimate 250,000 commuters every day. what first struck you about this design? >> i really like the interior space the best, actually. >> reporter: paul goldberger is a contributing architecture critic for "vanity fair. >> it should be building buildings for people. it's noise to arrive in a city that gives you a lift. i think those great moments are sort of like the exclamation point in the city. >> reporter: as much as places like this help downtown war back
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to life, it's not without its controversy. this structure is billions over budget and at least five years behind schedule. when the hub's design was first unveiled in 2004, officials estimated it would cost around $2 billion. but after rush design changes, water leaks, and superstorm sandy in 2012, the finished product will cost almost twice as much, coming in at $3.9 billion. the hub's governing body, the port authority of new york and called the project challenging but added it will serve a valid transportation need for the region while becoming a very important landmark. >> it was a very, very ambitious, difficult design. yes, it cost a lot. yes, probably it should have cost somewhat less. but, in fact, exciting innovative architecture is forever. >> reporter: officials are hopeful this landmark will also prove to be an economic engine.
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within these public atriums is potential 2,000 feet of potential real estate space. >> this was a public mall before 9/11 and in fact, a public shopping center. >> reporter: is that a feat, in and of itself, that this is finished? >> i think it's an extraordinary feat. you feel the life of the city has come back to this 16 acres again in a way it hadn't been for a long time. >> reporter: this hub is only partially opening today. several more corridors will be opening in later weeks. officials here didn't want a huge unveiling. although the commuter paper has it as fronts page news, there will be a very small ribbon cutting later this afternoon. soledad? >> it's beautiful, i think. >> beautiful and like it inside but all kinds of complications in getting a building like that, security an other things. many parents believe video games turn their kids into a
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coach potato but it kit help their kids lose weight? we will show you the e putting a million dollars td a study... in hopes of relievg traffic gridlock on the dumbarton bridge and connec good morning. i'm frank mallicoat. in the headlines, facebook putting a million dollars towards a new study in hopes of relieving traffic gridlock on the dumbarton bridge and connecting roads there. the bridge runs between menlo park and the city of fremont. santa clara hot spot will be dry for a couple of weeks. taste restaurant and nightclub is losing its liquor license for 15 days. the suspension follows several police reports of fights and public drunkenness. next half-hour on "cbs this morning," a new study that actually suggests videogames may help kids lose weight and built self-confidence. more on that, traffic and a lot of rain coming over the weekend, roberta has you covered, right after the break.
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push that tape in and hit play. this is a flip phone. hathese before? it's called a compact disc. oh. looks like we're getting a facsimile. what year is it to you? it's old. you'd rather use newer technology? definitely. well, i've got something to show you. this is the 2016 chevy volt. it uses extended range electric technology. the prius hybrid uses battery technology developed 15 years ago. chevy expects volt drivers to get over a thousand miles between fill ups. it's got every technology there is. the prius actually belongs on the table.
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-- good morning, i'm bernie sanders in the traffic center. incidents and congestion in problems spots. i'm sandra osborne. you can see things still backed up at this time. right now from the carquinez bridge to the maze. 47 minutes for you drive time. bet required now on the san mateo bridge. right now we're only in the orange instead of the red from 880 to 101. about 23 minutes is what it will take you.
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taking a look at the south bay this morning lots of red on our sensors out there. some of the drive times showing between 20 and 30 minutes depending on where you're going. 27 minutes on 101 from 680 to highway 237. roberta. low-level moisture is just so low. hi-def doppler radar is having a difficult time picking up anything right now. look at your tv screen. what do you see? nothing there. but look at this. like looking at the eyeball of a fly. i'm sorry. i don't know where that came from. [ laughter ] >> we have rain. i was looking towards the golden gate bridge. temperatures today in the 60s. it's very muggy outside. currently we are in the 50s and 60s. south breeze at 15 miles per hour stray shower again for your friday. we do have heavy rain gusty winds to 40 miles per hour. a thunderstorm possible on saturday. light rain on sunday at times. but for the most part it will be moderate. thunderstorms possible. and then a weaker system moves in on monday. make it a great thursday!
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♪ the kobe bryant farewell tour is almost over! the laker great played his final game in denver last night and rewarded two young laker fans with his shoes. bryant signed each one while sitting on the bench and handed them to the boys. the shoes probably made up for the lakers loss. denver beat the lakers 117-107. and while they want to wear them, their mother is saying, no way! >> put them in glass! >> that's right. welcome back to "cbs this morning." this half hour, donald trump takes aim at the "the new york times" after a private meeting with the newspaper. should an off-the-record conversation with "the times" be
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punish published? >> a possible breakthrough in fight against childhood obesity could be worth dancing about. how video games can get kid off the couch. time to show you some of the morning's headlines from around the globe. the kalamazoo gazette update on the 14-year-old girl shot in the head in the uber mission's rampage. she say she opened her eyes for the first time and recognized her parents. that is according to a gofundme page. kopf was diagnosed as dead before she squeezed her mother's hands. the boeing original 727 makes its final flight. it first rolled out more than 50 years ago. the plane landed at the mutual of flight where it will be an exhibit. some former boeing employees
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were there for the event. oklahoma mutual will digitize more than 6,000 items of bob dylan going back more than six years. george kaiser foundation and university of tulsa acquired the collection and it includes many photos and letters and notebooks and handwritten manuscripts never seen by the public. hollywood reporter says nfl star rob gronkowski will tackle children's television. the patriots tight end will host a nickelodeon show called "crash leak." it will feature sports personalities and athletes gone viral. the producer thinks gronk's enthusiastic personality will be a hit with kids. some of his behavior, though, is not appropriate for kids. >> which part? >> the dancing he did on his cruise. he was gyrating. >> how about for adults? >> always appropriate. always appropriate. "the new york times" says learnig a new sport as a
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mid-life adult may be good for your brain. studies have shown picking up a new physical skill like snowboarding or juggling strengthens a part of the brain that is related to movement control. familiar activities like practicing crosswords are or training for marathons did not produce the same benefit. this presidential campaign is historic on many levels. the last month alone provided memorable headlines for papers like "the new york times." the newspaper itself became part of the story. on friday, "the times" published a front page article will foreign workers at trump's palm beach club. trump responded with a warning. >> we will open up the libel laws when "the new york times" writes a piece that is disgrace or "the washington post" is there for other reasons writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning. >> buzzfeed on monday broke the story of off-the-record meeting
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between trump and "the times" editorial board. at issue whether that conversation undermined trump's standing on his defining mission. immigration. trump's rivals are demanding he allow "the times" to release the audio of the meeting. we are pleased to have an editor of "the new york times" here. >> i thought you were going to ask me about juggle. >> or "the times" crossword puzzle. >> what exactly happened here? editorial board meeting. you're not a part of that board but you were there. >> i usually don't go and i asked to go this time and i asked to go frankly, because i had not seen donald trump in 20 years. and i thought it would be interesting to see him. so andy rosenthal and his good graces, let me go. it's -- the reason be, you know, for the record why these are off-the-record, candidates come in and pitch "the times" to endorse them.
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they are open, free-willing conversations. by the way, this is the only one i've ever been to. and the reason i think this one leaked out, which, to be frank, is unfortunate, because off-the-record conversations -- >> we are assuming it came from somebody at "the times"? >> i have no idea, to be honest. there were 30 people in the room, including donald trump's people. it got talked about in the newsroom. that is probably not a good thing. i may have even talked about it, to be frank. that probably not a good thing. on the other hand, i think it's much to do about nothing. i think that when 30 people sit in a room and talk to donald trump, who is a very vocal guy, and it ends up -- details of it end up leaking out -- >> yeah, but the point is, was it reported that he said on his -- one of his important issues of building of the wall, did he actually say -- i'm not serious about that -- just saying that?
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>> i'm going to pass on what was said in the room because i'm going to honor -- >> that is the point. >> i know, but i'm going to honor the of-the-record that the editorial board put in place. >> but, dean, it wasn't entirely off-the-record. >> right. >> i mean, i wonder whether "the new york times" made a mistake because it wasn't entirely off the record. he said something about terror flaws and then went back and said can we put this on the record and that got put on the record. according to your own public editor -- >> yeah. he asked that some things be put on the record. trump did. so he opened the door. he said i'm happy to talk about some things on the record and we want it to be off the record. >> to be clear, if donald trump were to say today to put the whole thing on the record, would "the new york times" comply? >> that would be andy rosenthal's call. >> would he report it? do you think a good idea? clearly this is something that everybody is trying to figure out what exactly he said and if he is reversing -- >> i would support what andy says today. >> a little bit of a dodge? >> a little bit of a dodge. to be frank, even though i was
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present and i agreed to the circumstances, it wasn't my meeting. if i it hod it over again, by the way, i probably shouldn't go to meetings like that. >> no. >> i went to this one, to be frank, because i was a journalist andive dying to hear what he said. >> i don't understand why you don't call him up and say i'd like to sit down with you. you're the editor of "the new york times" and talk about your candidacy. you don't need an editorial board meeting to do that. >> our reporters do that. he is not shy about talking. >> you said you wanted to go to the meeting to meet the candidate. >> but i wanted to go to the meeting to see the show. i'm a journalist. i wanted to go to the meeting to see the show. i wanted to go to the meeting to see what donald trump looked like in front of the editorial board of "the new york times," which he has a love/hate relationship with. on the one hand, he is a new york figure and like a lot of new york figures, he trashes "the new york times" in public. but he is deeply respectful of "the new york times" in private. i wanted to see that show. that is a different show than being on the phone with him.
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and i couldn't resist. >> can we talk about the business of "the new york times" and the future of the newspaper, its financial solvency? what has to be done to transform "the times" for the tutor? >> i actually think -- i think this is a large issue. and a lot has been done. i think "the new york times" -- "the new york times" making it to the future, which i'm convinced it will, is one of the most important stories in american journalism. "the new york times" is making a very powerful bet, and most other news organizations have not made the bet, and the bet goes like this -- we will make it to the future as a high-quality journalistic institution without compromise, without slipping into gossip. so that is -- this is an interesting, i think, historical bet, and what will it take to do that? it will take, first, sticking to our guns. we will cover big ambitious
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stories in big ambitious ways and we have already embraced new technology and new ways to tell stories, and do them consistent with the values of "the new york times." >> i know one of the investments that you're making is virtual reality story telling. tell us a little bit more about as they were showing me this this morning that on -- you click on these stories and essentially see 360. >> yeah. >> you can see that. this is terrific stuff, i think. virtual reality is happening. >> yeah. this is it. what is the feedback? >> 500,000 have downloaded our virtual reality app and more than a million people have looked at virtual journalist. it's a great way to tell stories. >> what are we looking here? this is the border? >> you are looking at a film that was made in conjunction with a magazine piece in which a border patrol guard was accused of killing a kid who was on the other side of the fence. and it's just a very powerful
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story. but what virtual reality brings -- >> like you're there. >> i'm going to say, this is a very good demonstration. knowing these things screw up! >> the border patrol agent, who has been charged with a crime, his claim was that -- was that the kid threw a rock over the fence. if you look at the fence in virtual reality and you see how high it is and you see the openings in it, the story is unbelievable. >> great. >> really brings you there and knowing where you are and knowing the distance and things like that. >> one of the most powerful examples of virtual reality was the one where we set the virtual reality team, we sent them, i can't remember, the iowa caucuses or the primary and you were in the donald trump rally. for the first time, i sat there and said, no wonder he thinks he can win. it was like -- >> very powerful. >> it was huge! it was powerful. >> so nice to see you. thanks for talking to us and thanks for the demonstration. ahead another kind of video.
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can video games help in the fight against childhood obesity? >> i'm jamie wax. we know kids love games like these. a new study suggests that vid
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a new study might give parents hope for helping kids be
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more physically active. obesity more than doubled in children between 1980 and 2012. cdc calls it an epidemic. what if video games, yeah, video games could help kids lose weight? jamie wax is at the a dave answer buster's arcade at new york times square how to get a healthy score. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. if you're a parent, you know kids are crazy about playing games like this one. at arcades like here at dave & buster's and at home and a new study suggests that video games, that's right, video games could play a big role in children's health. >> reporter: jerry walker is a dancing machine. but it's not all fun and games. ♪ >> reporter: there is a mission behind this 12-year-old's moves. what is all of this taught you about your health? >> that i should really get in shape. i'm, like, oh, yes, i'm so ready to get in shape. ly get in shape. ♪ you own it >> reporter: jerry is collecting
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points for accurate steps but researchers are collecting more vital information. it's part of a study to see whether video games can actually help him lose weight. jerry, how did you feel when your mom told you about this study? >> i was very excited. ♪ >> reporter: researchers purchased x-boxes and then asked jerry and other kids like him to play for one hour, three nights a week. after six months, they will measure his weight, blood pressure and cholesterol. for support, kid have to play with a family member. jerry chose his mom. do you worry about jerry's health? >> yes, i do. not only do i worry about his health, i wore about mine. >> i think parents should take a moment to ask their children, what do you get excited about? and if it seems the child is interested in video games, then give one of these active video games a try. >> reporter: dr. amanda diano developed the study at this medical center. >> i don't think we should ever replace outdoor activity with these indoor options. but we should also recognize
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that we have got to provide alternatives for kids, especially during that after-school time when many of them may be alone. >> reporter: that's when kids are spending more time in front of a screen. more than 60% of kids between 8 and 18 years old play video games for over an hour every day! the government recommends that young people get an hour of daily physical activity. et, only 27% meet that goal. what makes obesity, particularly problematic for children? >> well, the problem is that when you become obese as a child you set yourself up for the rest of your life. >> reporter: dr. diane hess is a pediatrician, specializing in childhood obesity. >> what i see in my practice is that my patients are extremely sedentary. i try to be so creative to figure out how can i get you to move? >> reporter: two years ago, pennington researchers conducted their first game experiment with 41 overweight girls between the ages of 14 and 18 years old. they found the participants increased bone density and lost
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body fat and improved their self-confidence. >> the most important thing is self-esteem. i think the fact they completed it and felt good about themseles i think is best benefit of all. >> reporter: in this second study, funded by the american heart association, kids will play at home, but check in with coaches like these every week. >> i love to change how children view physical activity or healthy diets and working out shouldn't be a burden or a challenge for people. it should be part of people's daily lives. ♪ >> reporter: for jerry, that just means more dancing. do you feel like this has changed your life? >> yes. it's really helping me because i'm starting to lose weight and i'm also having fun with losing weight. i try to keep up with my mom and have a good time. i just keep moving. >> reporter: for the second study, researchers will check in with the kids after six months to make sure they are still moving and still losing weight. i'm going to challenge angel
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here to dance revolution but for my own embarrassment level, the revolution will not be televised. norah? >> oh, come on! we want to see it! i love to dance. anything to get everybody moving. i dance with my kids. >> i think games and technology be able to initiate or good conduct is good. >> thank you, jamie. you're watching "cbs this morning." we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,,
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♪ this m morning, we are celebratating world wildlife da anand partnering with a david childress wildlife trust to show you the amazing work it's doing in kenenya and rescuing and ele keeper.
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that is >> that does it for us. any time, anywhere news,,,,,,,,,
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whether three santa clara correc good morning, everyone. it's 8:55. i'm frank mallicoat. here's some of the headlines today. a judge could decide whether three deputies will face trial for the death of michael tyree. they are accused of killing him in jail. two people will hospitalized with critical injuries after a car crash into a building with walnut creek. police say they were pursuing the driver who was speeding when he drove off the interchange at highway 24 and interstate 680. menlo park-based facebook putting a million bucks towards a study in hopes of relieving traffic gridlock on the dumbarton bridge and connecting roadways nearby. the bridge runs between menlo park and fremont. we have buckets of rain coming our way with more on that let's check in with roberta. that's a really good way to
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say it, frank, because we have buckets of rain for the weekend right now. we just had a stray shower here and there. mostly cloudy skies as well as we take a look at the transamerica pyramid. our hi-def doppler radar not picking up much activity at all. it's very low-level moisture. otherwise today a stray shower. we are in the 50s and 60s right now very muggy. today's temperatures across the bay area, pretty close to average in the 60s. from the coast along the peninsula. 65 morgan hill. 65 degrees san ramon. guess what, we'll see a high of 63 in san rafael and also 60s common across the northern portion of the bay area. today, we have a stray shower. tomorrow, rain likely by the evening commute. heavy rain gusty winds, thunderstorms possible on saturday. and then again on sunday. lingering showers on monday. sandra osborne in the house with traffic next.
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i'm sandra osborne in the "kcbs traffic" center. we are keeping an eye on several incidents this morning. the first westbound 580 at lakeshore avenue. the crash itself has been cleared. however, you can expect delays up to about 20 minutes there right now as they are starting to try and get traffic moving through still slow and go conditions out there again westbound 580. taking a look at the nimitz freeway out there, you can see things very slow going there, as well. 38 minutes drive time through may see and on the bay bridge from the carquinez bridge to the maze, look at that, 43 minutes. we are still seeing things backed up there. all right. it is our friday eve. everybody have a great day.
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wayne: fabulous! jonathan: it's a new scooter! - oh, it's going to happen. wayne: everybody should get a money fairy. you've got the big deal! tiffany: gold rush! jonathan: it's a ruby bracelet. - curtain number three! jonathan: it's time for "let's make a deal". now here's tv's big dealer, wayne brady! wayne: well, hello, america. welcome to "let's make a deal." i'm wayne brady. thank you so much for tuning in. i need one person to make a deal with me right now. that person is the little piggy. come here, little piggy. everybody else have a seat. hey, christopher. how are you doing? - i'm doing good, wayne. wayne: you're doing well. nice to meet you, piggy. so what do you do? - i'm a rabbit. wayne: you're a rabbit. - yes, sir. wayne: well, why'd i call you a piggy? you were pink and i thought you were just missing the... oh, you're a rabbit. but even your rabbit feet, they are kind of look like


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